The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud,
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.
-John Boyle O'Reilly (1844-1890)-
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
posting by eliana candra on 3:58:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Poem
Monday, March 24, 2008
STOP, Ms Bee!
I'm still sitting on the internet cafe chair, looking at the screen, finding joulnals I need, realizing I'm tired, and still going on. I know it's been late.
It's been late at night. Please stop, Ms Bee. Save your energy.
There's still tomorrow awaiting.
Remember the words you always shout to your students that too much working will kill you. Keep the balance of your life. Just rest for a couple hours. Then start to work again.
Uhh...ok..., I will...
Yup, I'm sleepy too. zzzz.....zzzz...
posting by eliana candra on 8:48:00 am 1 comments
Labels: pieces of my life
I wanna be a writer. Yeah, that’s the biggest and the highest idea in my life, a writer who can inspire everyone to move well toward the real happinesss, to be a better person, to do the goodness for life. And those are all my hopes. Anyway, I believe in my hope, that someday I’ll be a successful writer, ‘coz hope holds the opportunity. So far, it works for me. I have made a list of hopes in my dream book. Then one by one it become real, and I’ll put a sign on it. Sometimes, it’s done by me, and sometimes other people make it real for me. But, the point is we must get stick to our hope.
The hopes will help us to be aware of connections to spirit and others; whatever that lifts your spirit. Whatever helps you remember you’re not alone. Whatever gives you hopes. Sometimes, we don’t take time to develop the connection though we know a spirit is hovering around us. Why don’t we? Don’t we have an intention to do so? The more we allow ourselves time to ponder and be still, the more we become able to sense the spirit that holds hopes. Why must we do so? ‘Coz when we’re in touch with the spirit, there is a replenishing of hopes.
Don’t let the hopelessness overwhelm you. Try to develop our hope by listing or writing about the good things that have happened to us. We can remember how it was before and how it is now; lessons learned from hard times. Then we’ll realize that hope is there, that someone is watching out for us. Then save our hopes.
posting by eliana candra on 8:19:00 am 0 comments
Labels: writing
By Norah Jones
The sun just slipped its note below my door
And I can't hide beneath my sheets
I've read the words before so now I know
The time has come again for me
And I'm feelin' the same way all over again
Feelin' the same way all over again
Singin' the same lines all over again
No matter how much I pretend
Another day that I can't find my head
My feet don't look like they're my own
I'll try and find the floor below to stand
And I hope I reach it once again
And I'm feelin' the same way...
So many times I wonder where I've gone
And how I found my way back in
I look around awhile for something lost
Maybe I'll find it in the end
And I'm feelin' the same way...
It’s like the old days, when he came into my life though just for a moment of intermezzo. It’s like a summer breeze that’ll make me die in ecstacy. Let it be ‘coz I can’t let him go by now. Please, stay still for me. Wish I could tell you better how do I need you badly by my side. Relieve my pain. Cheer me up. Indeed, can’t help missing you.
the picture was taken from
posting by eliana candra on 8:16:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Movie Reviews and Song Lyrics
Apa itu Penelitian dan Meneliti?
Kita seringkali mendengar istilah ‘penelitian’ dan bertanya-tanya “Apa sih sebenarnya penelitian itu? Kenapa harus meneliti?”. Untuk itu, marilah kita belajar bersama agar sama-sama mengenal apa sih sebenarnya penelitian itu? Kenapa harus meneliti, bagaimana proses pembuatannya, apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan dalam meneliti, dan hal-hal seputar itu. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan lebih memfokuskan diri pada apa itu penelitian kulitatif.
Definisi Penelitian
--> Penelitian merupakan cara ilmiah yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data tertentu dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu pula. Namun sebenarnya inti pelaksanaan penelitian ilmiah adalah untuk menggarap pengetahuan yang benar dan kebenaran pengetahuan.
-->Pengetahuan yang benar adalah pengetahuan yang logis dan objektif. Pengetahuan yang logis adalah pengetahuan yang dapat diterima akal. Pengetahuan objektif adalah pengetahuan yang didukung data. Sedangkan kebenaran pengetahuan, pada dasarnya, merupakan kebenaran yang tentatif, masih bisa berubah atau belum pasti, sebagai fungsi kualitas alat pengindera yang menghasilkan pengetahuan tersebut seiring dengan perkembangan kemampuan manusia untuk mengimplementasikan kemampuannya tersebut.
-->Pengetahuan ilmiah ada yang sudah ada dan ada yang belum ada. Menggarap pengetahuan yang sudah ada berarti mengkaji dan menguji pengetahuan guna mempertajam kebenaran dan manfaatnya. Pelaksanaan tindak mengkaji dan menguji pengetahuan ini bernaung pada pendekatan positivistik kuantitatif. Bentuknya dapat berupa: uji hipotesis, uji teori, uji model, perbandingan efektifitas/ efisiensi, dsb.
-->Menggarap pengetahuan yang belum ada merupakan upaya mencari pengetahuan tersebut. Pelaksanaan tindak mencari pengetahuan baru dipayungi oleh pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik. Bentuknya berupa penggalian pengetahuan baru dari kompleksitas suatu sistem atau tatanan komunitas ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya,dsb; baik dalam dikotomi tatanan benda hidup maupun benda mati, manusia maupun non manusia, benda konkret maupun abstrak, ataupun kategori-kategori lainnya (Gunawan, 2003:1)
Diambil dari:
Gunawan. 2003. Makalah untuk diklat Metodologi Penelitian 2003 UKM Penelitian Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
posting by eliana candra on 8:15:00 am 0 comments
Labels: research
The gray sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As i gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quenchits speed i' the slushy sand.
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;
A tape at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,
Than the two hearts beating each to each.
-Robert Browning (1812-1889)-
posting by eliana candra on 8:01:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Poem
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Yeah, today is the last day of my long weekend. Though it’s going to be over soon, I’m glad anyway. Uhmmm… not glad, but relief. That’s an exact word to describe what I’m feeling now. D’ya know why? This is because I can finish lots of things I long for to do so far. Yeah, it’s about taking care of my house, like painting the fence, the garage, the livingroom, cleaning the storerooms, and many more. I was so selfish ignoring them for Then I did it. Well, on Thurs, together with my siblings, I started the job. We combined orange and white for the fence and the front wall. But for the garage, we only applied white. And… let’s see the end of the work. Wow…now the place looked whiter, cleaner, and wider than it was short, it turns to be more beautiful. We really enjoyed that. I’m proud of it.
nb: it should be posted on sunday hehehehe
posting by eliana candra on 6:32:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: pieces of my life
It was in the middle of March, but still the days were fulfilled by the rain, almost in every evening. That night, I saw people run, walked, rode or even drove their vehicles under the rain with a certain haste. Perhaps, they tried hard to catch their home on time though the downpour seemed to block their way home. A glimpse of hope for meeting the family soon was flared somewhere in the middle of their mind, couldn’t wait for such a delay. For a husband or wife, they couldn’t help hugging and kissing their spouse soon; for parents, they could have no longer wait to cuddle their babes at home; and for youths, they longed for a glass of hot milk to drink and a piece of blanket or quilt to snug into a comfy bed.
Then here I am, riding my “blue Astrea Grand” under the rain alone. The gold raincoat that cover my body couldn’t cope with the rain. Some wet spots appeared on the tip of my reddish- darkbrown trousers. My bare feet inside the red sandals were completely soaked by the water. I felt cold but I couldn’t stop even just for a short break. I must go on. I didn’t have enough time to stop ‘coz I couldn’t ride my motor bike fast. I should go on carefully. The street could be very slippery during the rain. I had to start my IELTS class on time, and the rain should not be an excuse for me for coming late. So, there were no warm hug and kiss from a spouse, a nice cuddling from parents, a piece of cozy quilt or even a glass of milk that I dream on the way. The one and only thing I could hope at that time was to attend my class ON TIME, or necessarily IN TIME. I didn’t care if I just had only one, two or so students just because of the rain. It was just because I wanted to keep my words to somebody else. Well, I should stay at home that night until Mr Ahmad, my teaching partner, called me and asked me to subtitute him teaching that class. I said OK. Then I got prepare for the meeting.
It was 6.47 pm when I arrived there. Finding the mirror in the office, I tried to fix my performance. I changed my sandals with my black stilletto, applied some face powder onto my face, and lightly put some lipstick on my lips. Uhmm… looked fressher I guessed. Then I stepped out of the room to my class, carrying my bag.
When I entered the room, I could see you there. You and another student were sitting and having a chat. Both of you looked at me with a little bit surprise, realizing that somebody else was entering that place. I smiled at you two and tried to break the ice by getting to know you all. You responded nicely to all my questions. Then you asked me to introduce myself. I did.
“Are you a Miss or Mrs?” that’s the next question from you, didn’t mean to be impolite.
“What do you think?” I asked you in return.
“In a relationship?”
I smiled at you again.
“So, what if I’m single and available?” I teased him. Then you laughed. I knew, the ice was breaking. We flowed to the material smoothly. Ten minutes later, one by one, other students came and joined us. Then we made in-pair practice for the speaking module.
During that session, you did gazed at me in astonishment (I guessed so B->) Well, from the Part 1 question-and-answer session, I got some information about you that you worked as a lecturer at one of the private universities in this city and was in progress finishing your doctoral degree about people management. Anyway, combined with the good-looking face and brawny body, your smartness could be like a toxin for me. You started to make me so numb with your enchantment. I was scare. My God, help me. It could not be right this way. The time was tickling fast.
Yup, finally the time was over. One side, I felt glad but sad as well in another side B->>. Before leaving, you asked me certain cases about speaking matter. (actually, I didn’t see any urgency for you to ask such a question to me since in my opinion, your English was quite good enough.) Then we said good bye. On the way to my office, I saw you got into your car. It was a silver avanza if i was not mistaken. Hhmmm, it was really a deadly combination I thought. Yes i guessed, especially if you realized those strong points. I shook my head and smiled.
In my office, I looked at a mirror and tried to figure out you. I could see you inside my eyes. It wasn’t right that the passion started to overwhelm and seized me. Then I blinked them. Suddenly, I saw your figure vaporize from my mind slowly but sure. I released you. It’s not proper to keep you inside my mind. We just met in a big transit area.
That was the first time I saw you. It was in the middle of March, after the heavy rain. Then it took you away from me. And the life went on as the way it should be.
posting by eliana candra on 6:24:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: short stories
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bunches of work just welcome me myself in the beginning of this week. BE1 report, GC3 report, SU 3 report, lots of agreements letters for MILAD piled in my desk, TOEFL class, IELTS class, Writing II class, SU4 class seem like rush things fulfilling my days. Perhaps, I can impress everyone that 24 hours per day is not enough for me :p. Yet, my social consequences as a human being lives in the middle of somewhere take a certain action to accomplish. Some social gatherings, meeting friends, taking care of my house, doing my writing project, household activities, well… it just looks like they are waiting for me to make them all up for the end of the week.
Sometimes, I just can’t help myself for not thinking about my days. Will it be always in the same rhythm, as buzzzzyyyy as these days? Hehehe, don’t know. Still, can’t find the answer. My God, it’s just a single-woman life. Nothing else is to think about but her. Then I just wonder how my mom can have such a busy life with our family. She devotes her life just to take care of us, to raise us lovingly, and to serve her husband with her best dedicatory. Moreover, she’s a typical of a working mother as well. I believe she feels what I’m feeling now. Then what I should complain about my day for? I should learn much from her and put more respect on what she had made for me. Really, I appreciate her efforts carry on everything nicely.
Anyway, I just come to my awareness that perhaps I must read all management books to help me making everything well done. Really, I mean it.
posting by eliana candra on 9:07:00 am 0 comments
Labels: pieces of my life
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ayat – Ayat Cinta Movie Review
Last night, I saw Ayat-Ayat Cinta with my close friend. We thought that it was the last day of the show. Then we decided to go. Actually, we wanted to watch its session at 6.45 pm, but unfortunately, because of the rain, we came late. After considering some reasons, we stuck on the plan that we would see it in the next session (wups, it was the first time for me to be in theatre at 9pm session). Then we booked our seats. On the screen, we could see seats arrangement the ticketing person showed us. We saw lots of circles in rows. Most of them were red and the rest were blue. We thought that the red was the unoccupied seats. In fact, it was the occupied one. We just got surprised. How could it be so fully booked seats at 7pm (anyway, it would be started at 9.15pm) it should be an amazing thing I guessed. So we chose the fourth line from the front row in the middle seats (well…it’s just the best seats we could get that night J). Getting the tickets, we moved around. Just to kill the time and to get some snack.
When the show started, we focused on the play. Well, I just got surprise when I heard Cak Nun uttered his melodious sholawat to open the beginning of the first scene. It really touched the deepest side of my heart that I felt eerie as if I was sitting in MAIYAH circle (a kind of gathering we have once a month in Kasihan Bantul.), praising our prayers, with the angels around us spread their wings above us, carrying the prayers to the One our life belong. Then I drifted into the story.
It was like "O My God! This movie is completely fascinating!" I love this movie so much. It’s so human than that in its novel. ‘Cos in the novel Fahri (the main character) is such a perfect person that too perfect to be true. In contrast, in its movie, he was characterized as the person who owned the humanity side, someone who sometimes could do something wrong. It should be like that I think. Coz in fact, a movie is a reflection to the real life, and Fahri in the movie version can make it real. Then the Aishaa’s jealousy, the confusing situations among Fahri, Maria, and Aishaa after their marriage life, Nurul’s emotions when she’s broken heart made this movie nicely tightened and so realistic that I could enjoy it with all my heart.
In short, I like it. I like it so much that I can’t help it not going over the movie again and again. Moreover, Mas Hanung, the director, made the movie vividly. I could see how dark Fahri’s face was, especially his lips which was so dry and moistureless. It really matched the setting there. Then the sound of the desert voice was so noisy that it could convince me so much about the real voice of the dessert should be. I’m impressed by the whole scenes performed in the movie except the last one which showed Fahri and Aishaa walked together on the dessert on their bare feet. Are you sure you can do it on the pretty hot dessert? (Hihihi…maybe they took the scene on Parangtritis beach. Just kidding.)
Then if you haven’t seen this movie, I recommend that you must watch this. That’s for sure, guys.
posting by eliana candra on 9:04:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Movie Reviews and Song Lyrics