Monday, May 26, 2008

Sandera 1

“Kenapa tho kamu nggak mau dengerin omongan bapak?”

“Bukannya Lia nggak mau dengerin bapak, tapi ini memang sudah jadi keputusan Lia, Pak.”

“Keputusan apa? Mbok ya dipikir dulu dengan matang.”

“Sudah Lia pertimbangkan, Pak. Berkali-kali malah. Dan Lia tetap pada pilihan Lia.”

“Kamu itu memang keras kepala. Kalo milih itu mbok ya lihat-lihat… yang prospektif buat masa depan.”

“Menurut Lia itu juga prokpektif. Lagipula Lia sudah terlanjur suka.”

“Suka aja nggak cukup jadi modal, Nduk.”

“Iya, Lia tahu Pak. Lia juga tidak asal pilih. Lia udah gede Pak. Sudah bisa nentuin pilihan Lia sendiri. Kenapa sih Bapak tidak percaya sama pilihan Lia?”

“Bukannya Bapak tidak percaya. Bapak itu Cuma ndak ingin kamu nyesel di kemudian hari. Kamu itu baru anak kemarin sore. Belum banyak makan asam garam kehidupan ya Nduk.”

“Udah, bapak tenang aja. Lia cinta sama pilihan Lia. Lagipula, nggak ada salahnya kan?”

“Lalu apa yang kamu harapkan dari pilihanmu itu? Apa dia bisa membuatmu bahagia?

“Lia pikir … iya bapak.”

“Ya sudah kalo itu sudah jadi keputusanmu.” be continued

Acknowledgements of My Thesis

Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin. I would like to start off my words here by thanking Allah SWT, The Cherisher, The Merciful and The Sustainer, for His mercy, love, and strength granted for me so that I have been able to finish this thesis.

Besides, I fell so indebted to many people who played a part in my thesis accomplishment. Without them, this ‘little masterpiece’ would have never been done as better as I just did. Thus, let me appreciate them all to express my gratitude to them.

First, I would like to express my gratitude to both my consultants, Dr. Gunawan, my first consultant, and Drs. Suharso, my second consultant, for their time, and knowledge. Patiently, they had guided me in developing ideas, correcting misplaced words, improper dictions and structures, as well as shared their knowledge. But, the most important thing for me is they showed me how to research myself, both inside and outside.

Second, my gratitude is also addressed to my family. To my loving Mom and Dad, I want to say “I know, it was too late for me to present you this. But thank you for trusting me on it. This is the way I learn. Finally, I did it. This is for you”. To my lovely sister ‘Niek’ and brother ‘Ayik I also want to say “Thanks for trusting me. Your great supports gave me strength. Actually, the hardest failure comes from oneself. Ganbatte kudasai ne”.

Third, many respects are also devoted to all lecturers at the English Language Education Department who always guided me during my study here and taught me about many priceless things in this life. You do help me to sign out the blind maps of my life.

Fourth, my massive thanks also go to persons who inspire and comfort me during this thesis-making-process. Thanks: to Charlie’s angels plus (Ifa Carter, Oepyx Archer,and Isti Awien) with the words “Thanks for the belief we share together. You put a smile on my face and a spring in my step.”; to Anis Ich with the words “Thanks. You are like a magic book for me. I never get enough to read every single line in your pages.”; to Sholihin with the words Thanks for a bunch of knowledge about writing. It means a lot to me. ”; to Mbak Zaki with the words “Thank you for bringing me to Maiyah Land and introducing me to the fresh sensation of the Kyai Kanjeng’s Mocopat Syafaat among the exhausting days of my thesis making. This does brighten my days.”; to A-14B sweet gals (especially to Mbak Ambar, Rina, Lina, Inun, Andri, Yukyak, Vetty, Nurul, Yuli, Juleha, Gina, Wantie, Lastri and Windha) with the words“Thanks for giving me a hommy place away from home.”; to Khafidz, with the words “You colored my days. You’re still the best friend that anyone could have. Thanks for all.” ; to the 99ers (especially for Ririn, Naser, Prast, Siti, Nisfi, Suci, Ika, Inoeng) with the words “Thank you for the solid friendship, you bring me back to earth if I get a little too full of myself” ; to Vima, with the words “You give me the inspiration to reach for my dreams. Thanks for being my partner as well as my competitor.”; to Ms. Pupud, with the words “Thank you for teaching me. You make each day a new beginning, filled with wonder and joy.”

Fifth, I also would like to thanks to EDSA, Shield Magazine, Relung Theatre, Seven Theatre, UKM Penelitian, PSJ UGM, Aliyya, Syafaat Centre, Hafara Sunday School, Pesantren Raudhatul Muttaqien, my fellows and students in SD Muhammadiah Sapen, SDN Mejing II, Puri Bahasa as well, and also special for Anjar Ndut, Noey, Iwied, Isti Egi, Zartini, Younee, Marcee, Ms.Eko, Budi and Andi, with the words “Thanks for helping me making a better portrait of Eli. You all are my puzzles of love. Each part of you complete my life journey.”. To Gunawan Fans Club’s members I want to say“I expect you all a sweet reunion someday“, to my informants “You enlighten my load. Thank you for being so cooperative with me.; to everybody who had ever helped me but I could not mention your name one by one, I want to say“Thank you. It is hardly possible for me to mention you all by name. Once again, thank you. May Allah bless you.

Finally, it is needless to say that my thesis is still far from being perfect eventhough I have made my best. Though it is so, I expect that this thesis contributes benefits to all readers and those who are involved in this

Jogjakarta, 10 January 2007

The writer






Written by:

Eliana Candrawati


This research study is aimed at finding and describing the characteristics of students’ language awareness in English writing at the English Language Education Department, FBS, UNY, semester III, academic year 2003/2004.

This research study is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this research were the students of Writing III, and their final assignment as the writing product. The data of the research were language awareness elements. The data are drawn from the students’ writing product as documents, and in-depth interview transcripts. The key instrument of the research was the researcher herself. The length of time in collecting the data depended on the redundancy of the data. The constant comparative method was used to analyze the data. To get trustworthiness, the researcher used the triangulation techniques.

The results of the research show that the students’ language awareness was categorized into three major categories: the low level, the medium level and the high level of students’ language awareness. The low level was classified into caused-by-low-motivation and effect. Further, the caused-by-low-motivation category was divided into limited language mastery, which consisted of four foci: grammar, punctuation, diction and spelling, and negative attitude, which was classified into five foci, namely, being careless, being dishonest, being lazy to check works, delaying habit, and limited preparation. Meanwhile, the effect category was divided into causing ineffectiveness, which was classified into four, namely, incorrect structure, incorrect spelling, misfragmented words/sentences and misplaced punctuations, causing inefficiency, which consisted of vague expressions, mistyped words, and looser cohesion, and ignoring originality. The medium level was divided into caused-by medium-motivation and effect. The caused-by-medium-motivation category was divided into average language mastery, which was classified into two, namely, just to follow rules, and just to translate words by words, average motivation, and self-orientation attitude. The effect category consisted of: in gaining effectiveness, which was classified into trapped in commonly-used words and applying simple clauses, and in relation with attitude, which consisted of applying common expression and self-improvement orientation. The high level was divided into caused-by high-motivation and effect. The caused-by-high-motivation category was divided into high consideration, which consisted of three foci: for grammar choices, for punctuation choices, and for diction choices, better preparation, and positive attitude. The effect category was divided into four: producing effectiveness, which was divided into three: accurate sentence structure, accurate diction, and correct punctuation, producing efficiency, which consisted of more message clarity, more various expression, more specific expression, and tighter cohesion, and considering audience. The conclusions show that the students tend to have low language awareness. Based on the implications, the suggestions are the lecturer should recognize the students’ needs and characteristics. A pre-test or questionnaire will be an effective way to measure them. Then, a written reflection submitted after the class is over can be used as one of the means to monitor the students’ progress. Meanwhile, the students should try to motivate themselves to find the most interesting thing to do to increase their writing ability.


Last Sunday, I just cleaned up my old files from my miscellany box when I found my old flowerish small brown box which contained some pieces of important paper from my friends. One of them is a piece of paper from ‘eeva carter’. Well, actually her real name is Arifah Mardiningrum. She’s one of my best friends (when I was a university student, and now, she’s still the best friend I could have :D) and one of the Charlie’s Angels Plus personnels as well:D . Then we crowned her a name of ‘eeva carter’ because she’s crazy about ‘Nick Carter’. (Well, it’s just the same when she calls me using this name: ‘Eliana F_ r _ _r’ …uhmm..It’s better for me not to write my ‘boo’ since it had something to do with my old story).

Anyway, on my 25th birthday, she gave me a poem, a special poem for me. Here it is the poem.


I’m the angel for me

I’m the angel for my family

And they’re angels for me

I’m the angel for my friends

And they’re angels for me

I’m the angel for this life

‘Coz this life is an angel for me

Angel is a help to learn

Angel is a help to live

Angel is a help to love

And we’re all the angels of our heart

-Eeva -

It’s one of the best poems I’ve ever had. It’s a proof as well that I have an angel…and I’m an angel for her…and she’s an angel for me. And…what do you think? Nice, isn’t it? Then would you be my angel too?

Thursday, May 22, 2008


You'll find me in the wind, the seed,
in the elephant's triumphant roar.

I am in the pearls of your elders,
the dirt on the far side of the moon,
the ice under the coats of Jupiter.

Naked person, listen to the hawk's cry.

Didn't you once see five hawks
careening againts the dawn.

I have been humming and hammering
through the years you took to bed, in the moments

you let life fly from your hands

to live your life again, simple days

of cooking and dancing to the radio

What else is there really?
This is you. You can ride the pony

to enter your own life,

be buried in your own clothes.

Your flaws can be touched and loved.

-Janell Moon-

Monday, May 19, 2008


Thank You. Finally I could show this soulful- face again in front of this screen after a couple of days I was laid on my bed because of a fever. Well, it should be a very-nice weekend for me...but...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I usually take a deep breath, sit for a while, take a note, make some to-do-lists, then decide the priority. Well, it sounds easy but somehow a little bit hard to do. A part of it can be my mistake. It's because of me who is unable to deal with the problem. It should be a challenge to make a kinda
Right now, the mess is in front of me. It seems that it waits for me to come into. Will I come in? Perhaps...if I don't get prepare for that... progresiveness on how to deal with a hurry sickness. It's about the management of life.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A New Day Has Come

Finally, after the 'pathetic days' , my parents allowed my sister to leave Jogja for Jakarta.
I know it's her dream to work there and she sees it as a chance and as a stepping stone for her carrier in the future time. it's just a matter of responsibility.

yah...setiap orang berhak mengejar mimpi mereka. demi mimpi mereka sanggup berkorban apapun. sepertinya... dengan punya mimpi hidup akan terlihat gregetnya, kita jadi tahu apa dan kemana arah perjuangan kita. tapi kenapa masih ada orang yang mencibir manakala tahu ada seseorang yang sedang mengejar mimpinya???

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